Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Barn Planters & Sunshine

On Saturday my husband and I drove to neighboring Coeur D'Alene to get the last of the old roofing for our planter project. It was raining, and a rather dreary day, but I was excited to get the last of the materials and finish them. The man who met us is the son of the couple who started this old auction house. They purchased it for 100k and have been offered 5 million for it. 

I turns out, many of my friends have memories of this auction house. Some bought and sold livestock there and another was hired to ride in the horses. I didn't have time to go through the entire yard, but I bet there's some really cool stuff out there.

As we were loading up, I spied a cool old feeder trough and asked if they'd sell it to me. He said he'd take $10. I'm going to plant some flowers in this hunk of livestock auction house memorabilia. 

My husband got right to work installing the panels.

And then moved them out to the patio where they'll remain empty until about late April. That will us plenty of time to line them, too. The vintage tin roofing has way too many rust holes to be an effective wall for a planter.

In other news, I dewormed Tuffy, and he had a lot of worms inside of him. In all my years with horses, I've never seen them shed worms after a deworming, but I have seen it with our dogs and now Tuffy. The last time I dewormed him was about a year ago, but since he is a barn cat I never saw any evidence. Anyway, it was disgusting! I'm sure he feels much better now, even though he still isn't 100% about using his kitty litter box. Close, but not quite.

This is how sweet he is. A total stress reliever.  

I found my old Nespresso machine in storage and brought it into the barn room. I had to descale it, but now it works like new. Tuffy photo bomb, incoming.

The last few days it has been in the 50s here. Yesterday was even sunny. It was like heaven in my little sanctuary. Unfortunately, I came down with a cold, something that happens a lot nowadays. But it's minor and will soon pass. 


  1. Oh that auction yard- Ted and I would love to go there! All that lumber... and tin... and and and.....
    Your projects are looking good! That trough planter will look wonderful with trailing plants. Have you ever tried Creeping Jenny? It tends to be a perennial in Creston so it should be for you too. Another one is Mezoo that you can take slips off and save indoors for replanting in the next year.
    You are going to have fun filling all those planters!
    I hope that deworming did the trick for Tuffy. I have to see my vet and get some for my cats too.

    1. I haven't tried Creeping Jenny, but I'll look for some. I have had good luck with Rio, but it's not perennial, and I have to bring it inside. I'm excited about planting them this spring! Haven't heard of Mezoo. Very interesting.

      Tuffy hasn't been going inside since last week, but the weather warmed up, and I think he has been outside a lot more. It gets cold again next week. He sure seems healthier and happier though. He could not have been feeling good living with worms.

  2. Wow, what a cool supply place! Your planters are amazing!! I look forward to seeing them planted.

    Tuffy is such a lovebug! Glad he is feeling better. Hope you feel better too & your upcoming appointment is helpful. Worry is so hard on us and answers will bring peace of mind {hugs}.

    1. Thanks, I'm looking forward to planting them, as it will mean spring has arrived.

      I'm already feeling a lot better, and should be good to go for the weekend activities and an upcoming trip next week. I haven't made the appointment yet, but I think it is just that extra node growing back from my SVT. I've heard that it happens a lot, and I'm 6 years post ablation. If I didn't have an Apple Watch, I wouldn't even know. They are pretty amazing. Mine takes oxygen levels, but my husband told me the new ones do not because of some proprietary issues. Mine is about 1 1/2 years old and still works like new. I just LOVE it, and I know you love yours, too. I'm trying to talk my mom into getting one, just for the health and emergency features. We're going on a trip together this week, and I plan to talk to her some more about one. She doesn't like their bulkiness, I think.


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