Thursday, January 25, 2024

Healthy Distractions

Healthy Distractions

I'm going through the Noom modules again, but skipped ahead to the one on Stress. Let's face it, this has been a stressful year. I remember really clinging to the information in this module when I first went through it, but time passes, and we forget.

I won't write about everything they say in it, but I do want to hit on this one point: Distraction.

Distraction is a coping mechanism to get our mind off of sad or stressful situations. Distractions can be healthy and they can non-healthy. Turns out, a lot is written about this topic. Here is one list I found: 60 Healthy Distractions.

Last weekend's fun was a good distraction, and the happiness I experienced was probably akin to having half your body pinned under a large object, and then someone coming along and lifting it off you for a couple of days. 

This room, designing and building it, was a good distraction. Walking and hiking are great distractions.  

Tuffy and the horses are good distractions.

Even cleaning stalls. Basically, keeping busy with productive things.

I've taken up juggling since Christmas.

It's something I've always wished I could do. So far, I'm only working on my form with two balls. I can't wait to be able to juggle 3 though!  That's probably not on the list of 60 healthy distractions. Ha!

My husband and I are building these planters to frame in the barn patio. We're going to use that old roofing tin on the sides.  I'm going to plant them this spring with herbs, some veggies, flowers, and probably one tree. There will be two of these in an "L" shape.

I ordered my custom horse hair ring from England. The artist got right back to me and asked that I send a small amount of clean hair. She recognized that this could be hair from a special horse who has passed, and she is cautious of it getting lost in transit. She wants us to send the minimum needed, just in case. She also sends a UK ring sizer in the mail. She should receive the hair at about the time I receive the sizer. After receipt of the hair, it takes around 10 weeks to produce the ring. 

I'm very excited.


  1. Tuffy is a very lovable distraction.
    Do you get to pick the stone for your ring?
    Distraction works well in training horses too.

    1. Yes, Tuffy is a very lovable distraction, and if you don't concentrate and love on him, he will distract you with his claws.

      I get to choose the stone. At least, that's what I think happens. I sent the hair off yesterday and had to fill out a customs report for it. You can only send "clean or washed" hair. It was $20 postage, no signature. The artisan has been in contact with me every step of the way. Her name is Sarah. As long as the post offices do their part, I know she will do hers.

      I thought about horse distractions as well. It could be the #1 tool in our toolbox to help an anxious horse. Some years ago, I asked the owner of the stables I boarded at to pick up a horse I had just purchased. I couldn't get her loaded myself. He was an excellent western horseman.

      He arrived at the pasture and loaded her right up. She followed behind him and right into the trailer. I asked him if it was his confidence that helped her, because he didn't hesitate. He seemed to have just walked her right in.

      He said that was part of it, but he had also parked the trailer near a tree, and he walked her by a low-hanging branch so that it brushed her just a little bit before he walked her into the trailer.

      He had already anticipated his "distraction" before he had even haltered her.

      I need to get better at finding these distractions.

  2. Juggling is so great for hand eye coordination. Fun fact, I was a hobby juggler in high school and still have my juggling pins. I could juggle 4 balls, and exchange them with some success with a partner. Partner juggling is super fun! I was working on juggling 4 pins, and 3 pin exchange before I stopped practicing as a young adult. I pull my juggling stuff out upon occasion. Now I drop everything when I try to juggle lol. Like everything, it is all about practice. Have fun!!

    Interesting about the trailer distraction. Your planters look nice already. They will cultivate a healing distraction. Your patio is going to be another spectacular barn area!

    Your ring will be beautiful and so very special!

    1. Wow! Now, I wouldn't have expect that, but I'm not surprised! I bet you could pick it up again with very little effort. Muscle memory. That's very advanced!

      Thank you. We are enjoying the planters now that they're finished and put in place. I'm excited to get them planted in May. That will also be about the time the ring arrives. It gives me a lot to look forward to. :)


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