Monday, July 8, 2024

It Was Meant to Be: Epona’s Journey


Epona is home. 

We went to get Epona on Saturday, before the temps get much higher, as they’re expected to be in the 100’s today and through the week. 

She was exactly 4 weeks at our trainer’s. That’s not a lot of time to start a horse, and we hadn’t done much to prepare her. Surprisingly, it turned out that Sarah got a long way with her anyway, even starting from zero.

Backtracking for a moment, my daughter learned to ride, and also started Epona’s mom, Cowgirl, with this same trainer. At the time, my husband and I had worked out a deal with Shiloh that we would pay half of Cowgirl’s training fee IF she worked side-by-side with our trainer the entire time. 

It forged a bond between Shiloh and Sarah, and laid a foundation of trust. So, when Sarah asked my daughter if she wanted to hop up and ride Epona Saturday, and I expected her to decline, Shiloh instead said yes, … without any hesitation.

I was shocked. 

But off they went, walk, trot, and galloping.

As a mother, I cannot tell you the emotions that came up from inside me watching Epona and Shiloh blend together and melt into their work. 

Everything the two of them have been through! I didn’t expect that either of them would be able to meet this moment. Not only did they meet it, but they each surpassed it. 

Epona seemed to relax as soon as my daughter took the reins. There was a complete shift in her attitude from when our trainer had been demonstrating on her. 

Sarah was surprised, too. 

It truly seemed meant to be. That’s the only way I can describe it. Meant. To. Be. They were flying on the wings of many angels. 

Here is their backstory. 

Shiloh found Cowgirl on Dream Horse 20 years ago, all by herself. She was 12 at the time, and had just lost the yearling she had been raising to a broken shoulder. She bought Cowgirl with her own money she had saved and, until she turned 18, had to pay for half of her upkeep. 

Fast forward a few years, and Shiloh admired an amazing Thoroughbred stallion Sarah acquired, super smart, sweet, and gorgeous, you’d never have known he was intact. Shiloh swore she would breed Cowgirl to him someday. 

Unfortunately, he was an older stallion when Sarah got him, and passed away before Shiloh was ready to breed Cowgirl, but, surprise, surprise, Sarah acquired his son, an appy named Mr Tom Horn. 

When I took Tweed down for his training (see how everything is connected?), Shiloh took Cowgirl down with him for company and a little tuneup. 

While Cowgirl was there, Sarah’s stud made a big scene crying for her. It was almost embarrassing, and we all laughed quite a bit. Mr. Tom Horn made his desire well known, and it planted the idea for Shiloh. After a couple weeks thinking about it, she decided to breed Cowgirl.

Cowgirl was a maiden mare at 17, and the vet had to help her go into heat (I can’t remember how, exactly, but something had to be removed). Whatever he did worked, and she went into heat immediately. Sarah brought Mr. Tom Horn over to live-cover Cowgirl everyday for a week, until Cowgirl naturally rejected him, and she got the job done.

Cowgirl came home pregnant and happy. 

The rest is history, and you all know it well (pharyngeal dysfunction), but to say it’s a miracle that Epona is here today is a huge understatement. 

She is here for a purpose, and that purpose is to help heal my daughter’s heart. 


  1. What a beautiful story. God always has a plan, even if there are bumps along the way.

    1. It is beautiful to see how connected everything is, but that can only be revealed in hindsight. Looking forward during hard times can be like looking into a great, hopeless abyss.

  2. Ohhh, I loved reading this SO much!! Gave me all the warm heartfelt fuzzy feelings. I am so happy for all of you, especially your daughter. Epona is such a special (and beautiful) horse. I look forward to reading more about their bond and evolving partnership. How absolutely sweet for you too <3

    1. It’s a gift to be able to look back and see these connections. I’m reading a lot by William George Jordan right now, and one of his essays discusses worry. He points out that if we look back, our happinesses often came from struggles and hard time. So, knowing that, why should we worry? (He says it better.)

  3. That is beautiful. They look so good together.

    1. They blended well. I was surprised to see my old daughter take the reins and Epona’s instant response of trust.

  4. It was meant to be. I believe there are no coincidences only a purpose to everything and this is definitely their purpose. To be together and leave all the past behind and only look to the happiness that is waiting around corner in the next chapter in their lives. They have a long partnership of trust and bonding and most of all great memories to make in the future.

    1. I think so. ❤️ and I also believe there are no coincidences.


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