Friday, September 13, 2024

As Summer 2024 Gives Way to Autumn

Remember back when I thought if only I managed my time better I could get everything done? I was wrong. 

Life is very busy right now, and there truly is not a way around that reality. It is set to change in October with the beginning of preschool. I will have two full weekdays to ride my horse! 

I will have a lot more to say about horses when that begins. For now, I’ll catch you all up on life around here through photos. 

There will be a day when our 2 year old grandson can ride horses with us, but for now, we have settled on pulling him behind us on our bike rides. 

We invested in another e-bike, and have had many amazing adventures on them. 

Horse time has been sporadic, based around the grandson’s schedule, but we were able to take Epona and Tumbleweed on their first outing together a few weeks ago. 

Tumbleweed was very worried about Epona, so our day was spent working away from each other. Epona was worried at first, but after awhile she stopped calling back to him and focused on my daughter. When Epona stopped calling back, Tweed lost interest, too. 

We hope to do a lot more of that work as schedules allow. It’s super good training for Tumbleweed. Epona, on the other hand, has that ‘almost orphan’ mentality, and she doesn’t need the herd as much. During the day, we often see her grazing alone in a completely separate pasture from the rest. Tweed is the ‘herd leader,’ and always protecting his mares. 

If an older gelding drops into our lap next year, a new grandkid’s horse, I just might separate Tweed with him. I want my grandson to have a horse he can learn with and I’d like Tweed to have gelding companionship. 

In the past, I have only planted flowers and trees, no vegetables/fruits. This year, we planted a little barn garden using compost from Cowboy’s last stall to enrich the soil. It has provided basil for fresh pesto, tomatoes, peppers, and other herbs. 

Everyday I go out to water and enjoy a tomato or two fresh off the vine and I think about how wonderful life is and all my blessings, past and present. 

I call the barn my ‘sanctuary,’ and it always lives up to its name. 


  1. Life is all about change, isn't it?
    The biking adventures look like family fun, and Tumbleweed and Epona are looking great! I look forward to your adventures with them. Having a mare that doesn't get worried if she is off by herself will be good for Tumbleweed, once he realizes that he isn't the center of her universe!
    My garden is sooo slow, no ripe tomatoes yet but I have been harvesting and eating green beans, brocolli, potatoes and onions. I'm trying to talk Ted into a small homemade greenhouse so those late frosts don't kill off my started plants like they did this year.
    Glad you're back :o)

    1. I think Epona is very good for Tweed. He seems to trust her lead.

      I read in your blog about your tomatoes. We planted a Czech variety that is more tolerant to cold, Stupice, I believe. That is our best producing plant, along with the small yellow tomatoes. They taste like candy.

      Oh, a greenhouse would be fabulous. We need one, too. So many plants need to be overwintered, and it’s hard to find the space. Maybe we can get one up. Do they require a heat source and water source?

    2. A heat source would be helpful if you are overwintering but if you are doing early starts maybe not? Unless we are talking February.

  2. I honestly believe that our belief thst there is a solution that allows us to everything is a myth. Often we have let something go. I love how the whole family is raising your grandson. He’s going to have such a solid foundation to grow up.

    I work on separation all the time. Part of owning just 2. Sometimes I think about getting a third.

    1. Yes, it is a myth. There are seasons of life, and we need to flow with them the best we can. Helping raise our grandson has to be our top priority now.

      I bet you do work on separation a lot with only 2. It makes it challenging.

  3. It is a myth that with organization you can get everything done! Just not happening. It's been a year since my husband passed away and I'm still cleaning out the house and getting it ready for sale. In the meantime there is just so much other stuff to deal with day to day. So no I don't think anyone can do it all.

    Epona and Tweed look really good. It will do them both good to be apart on outings. Love how you can bring your grandson on bike rides with you. I remember the days of watching my grandkids. It was fun but challenging at times. They're all grown now and in school or college so there's not much babysitting going on.

    We bought a small greenhouse from Amazon and it's worked out well. We still have a garden for many of our plants. I love those little tomatoes too, they're great little poppers!


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