Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Update On the Barn

Congratulations to Aurora and Brad on their beautiful new filly!! It will be fun to watch her this spring. Woot! Woot!

We got our estimate to pour concrete in the barn and level all the stalls with compact gravel and sand so they are ready for mats. We will only have to lay the mats, add the new stall fronts, and build out the tack room. 

We decided on concrete that is stamped and dyed to look like old brick. The surface is rough, and they apply a sealant that is also abrasive. They will pour, and stamp, the breezeway, tack room, and a skirt in the front. 

We will have to wait until mid-June for them to start, which will be excruciating since we want to get it done now. When you envision it, it’s hard to wait! But we are lucky to even get it done by then because we have a family member on the team who is willing to work nights and weekends to make it happen early for us. 

In the meantime, I have started planning the tack room, which will be more like a supplies and sitting room. I even purchased a couple of furniture pieces for it. My plan is to have it be very rustic, with brick floors, wood walls, chandelier, sink, coffee station, and old comfy furniture.

I decided to add a window that looks out to the breezeway, but cover it with wood shutters, in case a horse kicks out at it. When horses aren't in the breezeway, I an open the shutters and see the horses in their stalls, or at least the stalls in front of that window.

The brick pattern will be on the diagonal.

I think I will go with stall fronts like these:

Can't wait to get this started!

Well, I'm off to the park with Tweed. Have a great day with your horses!  


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks. I hope so. I plan to be out there a lot.

  2. Congratulations to Brad and Aurora! She's a little beauty.

    Your barn and tack room are going to be absolutely beautiful. Hope it all goes off without a hitch.

    1. Thanks. Me too. I didn’t consider the possibility that there might be an issue arise, but there is always something that comes up. Fingers crossed!

  3. Belated happy birthday and congrats on winning Aurora's foaling contest!
    Love that herringbone pattern, it will look great!

    1. Thank you for both! I was surprised to win the foaling contest. I was a day off. I was really hoping we’d share a birthday!

      They’re giving me a choice of herring bone or strait across, staggered brick. I’m leaning toward the herring bone. I could change my mind before the day though. Still waiting to get an updated estimate on extending the front skirt. I originally told them 4’, but now I’m thinking 12’ to accommodate a sitting area. We will see how much it adds on.

  4. Wow Linda! Your barn plans are just amazing!! You are not going to want to leave your comfy inviting barn. Why am I not surprised you already purchased furniture for your tack room lol. Love it and your plans!

    Thank you for the sweet congrats. Email me your snail mail when you get a chance, so I can send your prize :))

    1. Thanks, Aurora! I’m excited about this new space, that’s for sure. Congratulations again on your beautiful baby!!


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