Tuesday, November 5, 2019

I Know What Horsemanship Should Feel Like

I know what horsemanship should feel like..for me.  I know all my blog friends are the same way.  We know, and we continue to grow into it, our horses, and ourselves.

I used to hate riding bareback, now I love it...with Cowboy. Everything in its own time and season.  Will I want to ride bareback on Tumbleweed? Probably not...for a long while.

I savor this phase of life--knowing to trust myself and my horses and not being pressured into doing things I don't want to do.

I want to be happy.  I want my horses to be happy.

I don't have anything to prove to anyone...except myself.  And what I want to prove to myself is that I'm a horsewoman who listens...

It can be a lonely world when you go your own way, but the type of people you will attract are those who will make your life better.

And in the end, when the noise quiets down, when all the friends are gone, and you're alone, reflecting on past joy--

all that will matter--

all you'll truly remember...

is how you made your horse feel.

So, how does horsemanship feel? Horsemanship should feel...horsemanship WILL feel like what you know in your gut your horses felt.

(Photos taken by my husband, who feels horsemanship the exact same way.)


  1. This is so very wise. I love it.

  2. Wow, that first photo is stunning! What a gorgeous place to reflect about life & horsemanship!!

    1. I didn’t realize my husband was taking these wonderful photos behind us. It was a beautiful trail with many surprises. Like life.

  3. Gorgeous photos! And I agree with everything you've said here. Very thoughtful insights.

    1. Thanks. These were for me as much as the blogosphere. I needed to recenter and reaffirm my horse journey.

  4. Great post and I sure can relate! I love this journey and feel that every year I improve my ability to "feel" my horses. In fact I look back even at recent times and shake my head at my lack of understanding what was going on. All of which makes me want to keep improving! The connection is joyful when you find it.

    1. Very true. As much as we devote ourselves, horses still remain a mystery.

  5. This is such a good reminder. So much of horsemanship is just that vague concept of "feel". Whether that is with our aids or our gut . . .it really can't be analyzed and described.


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