Monday, January 8, 2024

Updates On the Barn Project

The structure of the barn project is finished, but the finishing touches are still in the works. The stain we used was an opaque one called "Bay Blue" from Lowes. It came the closest to what I was looking for, and it has a great deal of variation, depending on the light. I appreciate that complexity in the color. It's fun. Almost like a different room every time you walk in. 

Here it is with moderate light on a cloudy afternoon. (Today)

I'm sharing a wider view below because to the left of the photo, against, the wall, there will be an electric fireplace with white mantle. In the center of the chairs, there will be a round, wooden coffee table with wrought iron legs. Both are on the way.

The next photo was taken yesterday, at a different time of day, and you can see the color changing.

Here it is another day, before I moved the loveseat. You can also see the large round window that looks into the barn. It's really hard to capture the entire room from any one perspective, but this is pretty close.

Here it is on yet another day, and you can see the view of breezeway and stalls.

Look at how blue it was this day.

 grandson photo bomb.

The fun leaded glass windows we found.

The sink cabinet was really throwing me off, and I wrote a post about it. There were so many possibilities. However, as I looked at the rustic metal roofing we used, taken from an old barn in Coeur D'Alene, Idaho, and saw the leftover pieces we had, it struck me that we should build our own and use that metal. The sink will be placed on the wall below where the plumbing is coming out of the wall.

I drew up some plans for my husband. Haha! Poor guy. But he got the picture enough to accompany me to Home Depot and help me buy the parts necessary for him to make it come to life.

Obviously, I am not an engineer or an architect.

Here's where it's at so far.

The top is a butcher block style counter top they sell at Home Depot, and is acacia wood. We're going to sand it down and stain it some version of the mixed redwood/walnut, then seal it. My husband is going to cut a portion out for the sink on the right. He's also going to cut off 3" on each side to give it an equal lip all the way around. 

Here are some of the parts that will be installed when it's done. A white, cast iron sink by Kohler, a black, wrought iron look faucet, also by Kohler, and a small hot water tank.

The cat modeling my old table is Tuffy. He was born in the barn almost 13 years ago, and he is loving the new room. My husband built him his own door to go in and out, but he prefers to stay in. Unfortunately, he isn't one to use the kitty litter box much. We will have to figure out how to train him better, if that's possible at his age.
Here's another photo of the cabinet, in an earlier stage. My husband used the leftover blue pine as the bottom shelf.

Here he is cutting the metal panels.

So, we are not ready for our final "reveal," but this gives you a good idea of where we're going. 

I have to admit, I will be very happy when my barn is no longer a construction project, but considering everything we've been through in the last few months, it is a miracle we've gotten this far. 

Speaking of miracles...I had my husband drive me back to my wishing fountain, aka the Rotary Fountain in Riverfront Park. 

It almost looks like a portal to the universe, doesn't it? 

Well, as we pulled up one evening, I looked around my car to see if there was anything we could leave there as a marker of the wish, and I found exactly two pennies in the center consul. Two shiny pennies, one for me, and one for my husband. We took turns going to the center and sending up a wish & a prayer.


  1. That tack room is the most beautiful tack room I’ve ever seen. I adore the colour.

    1. Thank you, Teresa. Sometimes I'm not sure if I should even call it a tack room, but that old cupboard will be full of horse supplies, and the sink will be used to clean tack, fill up soapy buckets, & otherwise help tend to the horses, well as making coffee! It is 90% a place to sit and be near the horses through the seasons, when they're in the barn. When we're done with the inside of the room, we will turn our attention to the 12' patio outside of it, and a surrounding planter that will also have those rustic metal barn panels along the sides. I love that old metal.

  2. I feel I should add that my husband did the construction on this room all by himself, with very little help. He also stained it, trimmed it, everything, wired and plumbed it. My contribution was designing it, and he is the one who brought it (and is still bringing it) to life. Also, the round window is causing him a bit of a headache, as he is not able to find a way to properly trim it. He's looking at bendable molding, but if anyone has any suggestions, I'd love to hear them.

  3. Wow! First off, I love that blue... and the old metal... and the sink cabinet... well actually everything and I think it could be in a house let alone a barn! Well done, and a big pat on the back for your husband for all the hard work he is putting into it. Great project!
    My husband looked at the window and his suggestion is to trim it out with a 1 inch sisal rope which you might be able to find at a marina or a flea market.

    1. Thank you, Shirley. I felt like I was going out on a limb with the blue, and my husband may have shed a few tears about covering his beautiful, blue pine mosaic with an opaque, but I think it needed to be that way. Such a small room to have so many choices, and really, there wasn't a bad choice. Almost anything could look good, but when I saw an advertisement for something, and the background was that blue and oak hitting against one another, I thought, that's the combo for me right now. I've always loved old metal roofing. The rust patterns are so beautiful, and it brings something from the past into a new space. I'm really excited about the sink cabinet!

      That is a really good idea about the rope. We are trying to find a solution that will match the existing molding, but if we can't do that, we might try something outside of the box. We spoke to our window guy yesterday, and he didn't have much to add. He said the existing, solid pieces they make, are very specific to the window. There are a few online, but my husband is worried they won't match up perfectly. We will see. For now, that has moved to the backburner, a place where things often fall down the black hole of never getting done. Haha!

  4. Wow, your barn room looks super awesome Linda!! It is a reflection of you and will bring comfort for years to come. Kudos to your hubby. His craftsmanship is amazing! I am a lifelong fan of all things metal. Love the repurposed tin, and especially the in progress cabinet! It ties everything together with the tin and blue pine ~ great idea! Tin is in style right now, but also timeless. Making a unique cabinet your own is SO much better than anything available on the market. Love it all!

    As for your kitty, the best way I know how to litter box train a cat is to put in some of whatever they use (ex. shavings and poop). Just keep picking Tuffy up and putting him in the box. I'm sure you've tried all this. Very hard to retrain habits. They sell stuff that is suppose to "attract" them but I've never tried any. Also, I would use unscented litter. Cats are so sensitive to smell. Plain old clay litter works best IMO, or even shavings if he favors the stalls. Good luck!

    One more thing, love that you found the two shiny pennies. You guys are soulmates <3

    1. Thanks, Aurora. I am looking forward to enjoying the room soon. The fireplace came yesterday, so we were out putting it together, and I was able to sit in the room and reflect. I realized that since they broke ground on it, my life has been a bit on the sad side. When I bought the armoire, April 2023, I didn't know that my life was about to change. Yet, here we are, and it is done, or almost done, but my life is not the same, and the barn is not the same either. And by that, I mean it's missing some special horses. The question now is what do I bring into that space to help me feel them there, especially Cowboy.

      I tried your brilliant suggestion yesterday. I put wood shavings from the stalls into the kitty litter box, and I brought the box into the room, because it had been directly outside the room. So far, that seems to be working. I'll keep you updated.


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