Saturday, January 27, 2024

More Distractions

 More healthy distractions. 

(Mixed order.)

A new display in downtown Spokane.

The clock tower.

A neighborhood walk on an unusually warm, 48 degrees, January day.

Clock tower.

Finishing the planters. I realized the old tin roofing is not sturdy enough to be a functional planter wall. We will have to line the inside with new metal. No rush since they can’t be planted until May. 

Under the big tent at Riverfront Park. This was the tent for the 1974 World’s Fair in Spokane. Now, it’s a continuous light show and amphitheater.  Our grandson is amazed by them and turning for one last look.  

My handsome boy. 

Downtown Spokane. 

Tumbleweed and Epona are our new married pair, but their mamas are still training them and will sometimes demand their separation. Epona follows his lead. 

And a new mini fridge for the barn room. 


  1. Spokane sure has some beautiful sights. My main memories of Spokane are the antique stores downtown and the National Finals drag races. We used to come down every year for the races when I lived in Salmo, just across the border.
    Love that Tweed and Epona hang out together; someday you and your daughter will be trail riding them together!

    1. There are a still a lot of antique stores downtown. I enjoy going to them. We live near a race track, too. It has changed hands quite a bit. I wonder if that was the one you were at. Yes, that would be amazing to be on the trail together with the young guns! They sure enjoy each other. And their mamas, Foxy and Cowgirl, enjoy their time together, too. They were besties before Tumbleweed came and Foxy adopted him. Now, the two babies go off together (as long as they're good) and the mamas stick together and watch them from a distance. It's cute to see.

  2. Tweed and Epona are a sweet pair. Spokane looks beautiful.

    1. They are fun to watch. As of now, I do enjoy our city, even with the winter cold. Sometimes, I dream about going south though.

  3. Pairing makes sense, age wise. Our herd seems to change it up.

    1. Yes, age wise and the male / female bond. The rest of our little herd is much older than them and don't like to play. Tweed and Epona are still very mischievous, and that is why they still get separated. After I took those photos, they got into the pasture and went running and bucking, and the next thing I saw was their mothers herding them away from each other. It's a cute dynamic.

    2. That is amazing! Guess even an equine mothers job is never done. I was always under the impression that they wanted nothing to do with their grown offspring.

    3. Unless my two are weird. haha. Which could be. I don't know how often foals are raised with their dams, but my goodness, the two pairs I have (one a surrogate mama) are deeply loyal to each other and protective. Tumbleweed fights for Foxy's place at the table, and Epona does the same for her mama.


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